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Falcons Forum

chat_bubble Duct Tape Forever 2
After nine years of agonizing suspense, Warner Brothers have finally confirmed the sequel to their 2002 box film that went straight to DVD (Duct Tape Forever) is expected to start filming after the WMSPL playoffs.

Asked about why it took so long for the sequel, a company official was quoted as saying: "We felt we needed the perfect person to co-star Red in this movie. You know: one that shares his obsessive passion for duct tape. You may think it's easy to find such people, but believe us: it's not!

Actually, we were very lucky to find Mike. Casting Executive Officer Timmy only stumbled onto (Mike) when reading a recipe for Duct Tape Noodle Soup in a local newspaper."

The company said they'd wait to see how well the sequel does before commenting on a triquel.
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Posted on: Friday June 24th, 2011 at 6:13PM